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Mt Gox创始人将以侵占公款罪被再次逮捕【南宫28圈官网】
  • 时间:2023-12-31
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本文摘要:Japanese police investigating the disappearance of nearly $500m of bitcoins are poised to rearrest the French founder of the Mt Gox virtual currency exchange amid questions about the purchase of a $48,000 four-poster bed.正在调查总价值近5亿美元的比特币失踪


Japanese police investigating the disappearance of nearly $500m of bitcoins are poised to rearrest the French founder of the Mt Gox virtual currency exchange amid questions about the purchase of a $48,000 four-poster bed.正在调查总价值近5亿美元的比特币失踪案的日本警方,打算新的被捕比特币交易所Mt Gox的法籍创始人,他将面临的问题还包括用4.8万美元出售一张四柱床。Before the exchange collapsed last year, sending shockwaves through the bitcoin community, Mt Gox was the largest such trading platform in the world.去年该交易所的破产对整个比特币世界导致极大冲击,此前Mt Gox是世界上仅次于的比特币交易平台。Mark Karpelès, initially accused of manipulating the Mt Gox computer system and inflating the size of his own company account, has been in detention in Tokyo without formal charges since the start of August. People close to the matter said police would today issue a fresh warrant for Mr Karpelès’s arrest on the charge of embezzlement — a change that grants investigators a further three weeks to interrogate him.最初,马克愠楓莱斯(Mark Karpelès)被指操控Mt Gox电脑系统以及压低其公司的账户余额。自8月初以来他仍然被拘留在东京,仍未面对任何月指控。

知情人士称之为,警方将在今天收到新的逮捕令,以侵吞公款罪名被捕卡佩莱斯——这将使调查人员再行取得3周时间对其展开审讯。The rearrest will extend a process known informally to police and prosecutors as shomusen — the “war of attrition” waged by investigators seeking a confession. A lawyer for Mr Karpelès said that his client denied the original charges and had made no confession under questioning. But after three weeks of interrogation, those close to the matter said police believe they have enough evidence to accuse Mr Karpelès of embezzlement, alleging he misappropriated $2.6m of deposits from the trading accounts of Mt Gox customers. A substantial portion of that money is thought to have been used to buy software rights on behalf of the company. However, according to police allegations, Y6m ($48,000) was diverted to buy a bed. Police suspect it was intended for the personal use of Mr Karpelès.新的被捕将缩短被警方和检察官私下称作shomusen的阶段——即调查人员为取得开脱而发动“消耗战”。卡佩莱斯的一名律师称之为,其客户坚称了最初的指控,在审讯过程中没开脱。但是在审讯展开3周后,知情人士称之为,警方坚信已掌控充足证据指控卡佩莱斯犯下侵吞公款罪,声称他从Mt Gox客户的账户中侵吞了260万美元。



A lawyer for Mr Karpelès said the deposits were used for investments in new businesses while the bed was an interior decoration for his guesthouse, both of which were meant as marketing tools to promote the use of bitcoins.卡佩莱斯的律师称之为,这些存款是用作向新的业务投资,而这张床用作其招待所的内饰,两者都被当成营销工具,目的是增进比特币的用于。


