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【南宫28圈官网】我国首列市域动车组下线 最高时速可达140公里
  • 时间:2024-02-28
  • 浏览:

本文摘要:Chinas very first high-speed commuter train officially came off the production line of China Railway Rolling Stock Corp Qingdao Sifang Co.我国首列市域动车组列车近日在中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司月下线。


Chinas very first high-speed commuter train officially came off the production line of China Railway Rolling Stock Corp Qingdao Sifang Co.我国首列市域动车组列车近日在中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司月下线。Commuter rails are a service that primarily operates between city centers and suburbs of major metropolises.市域铁路是一种主要在大都市的市中心与郊区之间运营的服务。Offering both speed and capacity, commuter rail systems normally cover routes stretching between 50 and 100 kilometers.这种既获取速度、又获取运力的铁路系统,覆盖面积距离一般在50至100公里。



The commuter high-speed train combines the features of high-speed trains with those of subway cars. It is able to satisfy requirements for speed, capacity, public transportation and comfort.市域动车组列车融合了动车组列车与地铁列车的特点,在速度、运力、公共运输与舒适度方面皆能满足要求。The new commuter trains are able to run at a maximum speed of 140 km per hour, about four times the speed of subways.新的市域列车最低时速平均140公里,大约为地铁时速的四倍。The average speed is around 55 km per hour, though may reach up to 80 when the train is between distant stations.列车平均值时速为55公里,不过在距离较远的站点间运营时,其平均值时速平均80公里。


