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台湾人如何监督食品安全 用抗议APP
  • 时间:2024-02-10
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本文摘要:In a sign of the political mood in Taiwan, the top free application in Apple’s App Store there for much of last week wasn’t a mobile game or a social network, but a tool of protest.上周相当大一部分时间里,苹果应用于商店在台湾名列最低的免费应用于不是手机游戏,也不是社交网络应用,而是一款抗议工具。


In a sign of the political mood in Taiwan, the top free application in Apple’s App Store there for much of last week wasn’t a mobile game or a social network, but a tool of protest.上周相当大一部分时间里,苹果应用于商店在台湾名列最低的免费应用于不是手机游戏,也不是社交网络应用,而是一款抗议工具。这是台湾政治氛围的一个标志。

Named Bingdela — after a Taiwanese phrase associated with overturning a table in rage — the software allows users to check whether food or drink products are associated with Ting Hsin International, a conglomerate that last year was the center of a food safety scandal involving its cooking oil.该应用于取名为“冰的啦”,在闽南语里意思气愤地掀桌。用户可以用它来查阅食物或饮料产品否与覆以新的国际有关联。

这家企业集团去年愈演愈烈了牵涉到食用油的食品安全丑闻。Though the app first appeared last year, downloads spiked during the past week after a court in Taiwan ruled that the chairman of Ting Hsin was not guilty of a charge accusing him of violating Taiwan’s food safety law — even though his company knowingly imported products intended for animal feed and used them to make low-quality oil. The app’s creator, Sky Lin, said it had gotten the bulk of its 260,000 downloads during the past two weeks.虽然该应用于最先公布是在去年,但是上周,在台湾法院裁决覆以新的集团主席违背台湾食品安全法的罪名不正式成立之后,它的下载量经常出现了攀升。覆以新的集团坚称进口的这种油品是用作生产动物饲料的,却仍用它们来生产劣质油。

该应用于的开发者林亮宇(Sky Lin)回应,它早已被iTunes26万次,大量iTunes经常出现在过去两周。“People couldn’t find a place to vent their anger, and that’s where our product came in to play a role,” said Mr. Lin, who added that he originally made the app not for profit or self-promotion, but instead out of raw political anger.“人们去找将近地方宣泄气愤,而这也正是我们的产品的用武之地,”林先生说道。

他最初研发这个应用于不是为了赚,也不是想要宣传自己,而是出于政治上的反感不满。The power of social media as an implement of political expression is well known. But Mr. Lin’s product shows how apps can be specifically designed to solve more complicated problems of protests. In this case, widespread calls for boycotts of Ting Hsin’s products proved difficult because the conglomerate has several subsidiaries and sells its oil to other companies for use in their products.作为一种政治传达工具,社交媒体的力量是众所周知的。但林先生的产品表明了应用于可以专门设计用来解决问题抗议活动中的一些更加简单的问题。

在这个案例中,虽然人们普遍敦促要杯葛覆以新的产品,但事实证明要做这一点非常艰难,因为该集团享有多家分公司,而且还销售食用油给其他企业用作生产有所不同品牌的产品。The ability to tackle more complex problems gives people the ability to do more in situations where regulators or governments do not do their jobs effectively, according to Mr. Lin.林先生指出,遇上监管机构或政府无法有效地作好本职工作的情况,为公众获取可以解决问题更加简单问题的工具,就彰显了他们做到更加多事情的能力。

“There are structural issues creating these types of food safety problems in Taiwan. It’s a deeper issue with Taiwanese law and government. It’s not an isolated case. We have seen it happen again and again,” he said.“台湾有一些结构性弊端造成了这种食品安全问题。这是台湾法律和政府的一个深层问题。它不是一个孤立无援事件。

我们看见这种事情在接二连三地再次发生,”他说道。Mr. Lin said he expected more of this type of protest to come to the fore in Taiwan as activists gain stronger programming abilities. He and his team, who normally work on an app that is a guide to Taiwan’s bars, were able to create the protest app in just two weeks, mostly by reusing code they had already developed.林先生回应,随着活动人士的编程能力日益强化,他预计台湾不会辈出更好的这类抗议软件。他和团队的本职工作是经营一个台湾酒吧指南应用于。

他们主要通过返用以前代码的方式,在短短两周内研发出有了这个抗议应用于。The most labor-intensive part, according to Mr. Lin, was researching the products linked to Ting Hsin and photographing them to assemble a graphical database of items that should be flagged. Friends pitched in to provide other photos and research.林先生说道,在整个项目中,人力市场需求最密集的部分是研究哪些产品和覆以新的集团有关联,然后给它们照片,输出到一个怀疑产品的图形数据库中。朋友们热心地为团队获取了其他一些照片和研究结果。

With the app now doing well, a new question facing Mr. Lin is whether to fund it.这个应用于现在展现出不俗,但林先生面对着如何为其获取资金的新问题。“The second day after it happened, I was contacted by an advertising agent, and they argued that we’ll need advertising if we want long-term development. But for me personally, I don’t want to see ads when using this app,” he said.“公布后的第二天,有一家广告代理联系我,说道如果我们想要长年发展的话,就必须投入广告。但在我个人来说,我不期望在用于这个应用于的时候看见广告,”他说道。

Offers for sponsorships have also come in, but Mr. Lin said those, too, were problematic, because large sums from different organizations or companies could ultimately compromise the fairness of the app down the line.也有一些赞助回应不愿获取资金,但林先生指出这样做到也不会有问题,因为来自有所不同的组织或公司的大笔资金最后可能会产生影响,严重威胁应用于的公平性。Mr. Lin is still trying to figure out what to do with Bingdela. Some have suggested that his team should add other brands that have had past issues, but he said that for now he was still trying to figure out how to round up funding.林先生仍在考虑到“冰的啦”的未来。有些人指出,他的团队应当把过去有过丑闻的其他品牌也加到进去,但他回应,目前他仍在考虑到取得资金的方式。

“We have received a lot of encouragement, some of which actually were quite touching. It gave me the motivation to do more. My wife said, ‘That’s not your expertise.’ I think Taiwan needs such a platform to do this, whether it be the government or a nongovernment entity. We need this to fundamentally fix some damages caused by economic development,” he said.“我们接到了大量希望,有些的确非常感人。这让我有了做到更加多事情的动力。我太太说道,‘这不是你的专长。



