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南宫28圈官网_智能警车成功开发 方圆60米内自动识别人脸
  • 时间:2024-10-11
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本文摘要:A Chinese university has developed a police car capable of face scanning during patrols.近日,中国一所大学生产出有了一台可以在侦察时辨识人脸的警车。


A Chinese university has developed a police car capable of face scanning during patrols.近日,中国一所大学生产出有了一台可以在侦察时辨识人脸的警车。The intelligent vehicles, developed by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Sichuan Province, will be first tested in east Zhejiang Province in June, according to the university.据中国四川省电子科技大学讲解,该校研制的这台智能汽车,计划于今年6月在东部的浙江省公安机关试用。Chinas police cars are mostly refitted from commercial car models according to the needs of local authorities. The new cars will address many problems resulting from this poor standardization, said Yin Guangqiang, director of the police-use advanced technology institute at the university.电子科大警用先进设备技术研究所主任殷透射讲解称之为,中国的警车大多是根据当地政府的市场需求由商业车型改装成而出的。而这款全新警车,将解决问题这种较低标准带给的很多问题。

A host of new technologies have been added to the new model over the seven-month development period for the countrys first standardized police vehicle, Yin said.他回应,在中国的第一代警用标准原型车研发的7个月历程中,早已重新加入了许多新型技术。The car is equipped with rooftop cameras that capture faces within a radius of 60 meters, even at a speed of 120 km/h. The images are then sent through the police database and if matches are found an alarm is sounded.该车辆配备360度全视角摄像头,即便是在120公里/小时的高速行驶状态中,车辆也能明晰地捕猎方圆60米视野内的人脸,然后图片不会通过警方数据库发送到,如果扫瞄到给定对象,警报就不会听见。

Its other functions include detecting vehicles information and identifying mobile phones in its proximity. Its engines also consume less oil and discharge less carbon dioxide.其他一些功能还包括检测车辆信息、在一定范围内辨识手机。同时,它的发动机低油耗,较低废气。

The new car is not just a means of transportation. It is more like a smart law enforcement system on wheels, Yin said.殷主任回应:“这款新车不单单是一个交通工具,它更加看起来车轮上的移动智能执法人员系统。


