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  • 时间:2024-10-08
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本文摘要:Here are the top eight signs you’re addicted to your Smartphone.“智能手机成瘾症”的八大症状:1. You use it in the bathroom.1、上厕所也带着它。2. You feel panic when grope to the bottom of your purse.2、经常带着混乱在口袋里四处思索。


Here are the top eight signs you’re addicted to your Smartphone.“智能手机成瘾症”的八大症状:1. You use it in the bathroom.1、上厕所也带着它。2. You feel panic when grope to the bottom of your purse.2、经常带着混乱在口袋里四处思索。3. When you meet people with the same phone, you can only talk about the phone.3、恰巧与人“撞机”时,除了手机你们就再行没其他的谈资了。

4. You broke it and it feels like you lost a friend.4、手机怕了的话,你不会如同丧失朋友般伤心。5. A full battery charge barely lasts the day.5、满格电池铁定不会在一天内耗完了。

6. You’ve cut back on necessities to afford your monthly cell phone bill.6、你不会节衣缩食的省下钱去缴每月的话费账单。7. You read about your phone on your phone.7、时刻注目你用于的手机品牌的动向。8. You have alarms telling you when to do everything in your life.8、备忘录和日程表就是你行动的指南。


