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社交软件获取通讯录信息 这可不是件好事!|南宫28圈官网
  • 时间:2024-01-12
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本文摘要:When you install an app on your smartphone, youre often asked whether youd like to share your list of contacts with that app.当你在智能手机上加装应用于时,常常不会被告知否容许该应用于加载你的通讯录。


When you install an app on your smartphone, youre often asked whether youd like to share your list of contacts with that app.当你在智能手机上加装应用于时,常常不会被告知否容许该应用于加载你的通讯录。That might be a convenient way to connect with friends and family likewise using, say, Instagram or Whatsapp, but it also means youre giving away their personal information to the app developers.一般来说这不会便于你联系某种程度用于Instagram或Whatsapp等社交软件的朋友和家人,但是这也意味著你将个人信息透漏给了应用于开发人员。

And that personal info could end up being used to create so-called shadow profiles of your contacts—even if they dont use that app or social media service.而这些个人信息最后可能会被用来创立联系人的所谓“影子档案”,即使他们并不用于该应用于或社交媒体服务。Shadow profiles emerged as a potential problem in 2011 when an Ireland-based advocacy group accused Facebook of gathering information on nonusers, including names, email addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses.2011年,影子档案沦为潜在问题,当时一个总部坐落于爱尔兰的提倡团体控告Facebook搜集非用户的信息,这些信息还包括姓名、电邮地址、手机号码和物理地址。The following year researchers showed that social network companies such as Facebook could use machine learning to pretty accurately predict whether two nonmembers known by the same member also know one another. Not exactly Big Brother, but a recent study in the journal Science Advances raises the stakes.2012年,研究人员找到,像Facebook这样的社交网络公司不会利用机器学习展开非常精确的预测,即了解同一名会员的两个非会员之间否也相互了解。这并不是监控,但近期公开发表在《科学进展》期刊上的研究引起了注目。

In that work, David Garcia, chair of systems design at the sci-tech university ETH Zürich, used a social network members personal information to infer relationship status and sexual orientation of the members contacts who did not have their own user accounts on that social networking site.在这项研究中,苏黎世联邦理工学院系统设计系主任大卫·加西亚利用某个社交网络成员的个人信息,推断出了成员联系人的情感状态和性取向,而这些联系人并没该社交网络的账号。He was able to do that using, of all things, data from the now defunct Friendster social networking site.而他居然就是指早已过热的社交网站Friendster上取得数据并推断出的结果。He says he chose those two attributes—relationship status and sexual orientation—because they can carry important privacy consequences and were both available in the Friendster data set.他回应,他自由选择情感状态和性取向这两个属性,是因为它们具备最重要的隐私意义,而且都能在Friendster网站的资料组中提供。

Garcia is careful to point out that he didnt prove that shadow profiles exist, just that they can be created. His work also reminds us how much we wind up revealing onlin -- about ourselves and about the people in our lives.加西亚慎重地认为,他并没证明影子档案的不存在,只是证明了它们能被建构出来。他的研究也警告我们在网上曝露了多少关于我们自己以及我们生活中的人的信息。


