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科学家研发新设备 可通过心跳实现身份验证
  • 时间:2024-02-10
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本文摘要:Smartphones can already verify your identity by scanning your fingerprint or your face. But theres something inside you thats also unique proof that youre you.智能手机可以通过扫瞄指纹或脸来检验身份,但同时在你的内心深处,也不存在着你自己的特质来证明你就是你。


Smartphones can already verify your identity by scanning your fingerprint or your face. But theres something inside you thats also unique proof that youre you.智能手机可以通过扫瞄指纹或脸来检验身份,但同时在你的内心深处,也不存在着你自己的特质来证明你就是你。Researchers have developed a device that uses low-powered Doppler radar to decode the unique geometry of a users heart…and how it squeezes and swells as it beats. That biometric information can authenticate the identity of the person under scrutiny.研究人员早已研发了一种设备,利用较低功率的多普勒雷达来解码用户心脏的独有几何形状,以及当心脏跳动时,是如何断裂和收缩的。

这种生物特征信号可以证实审查人的身份。And if the wrong person sits down: It would recognize that there is a heart, but the geometry of my heart is different from yours so it would still log me out.如果错误的人入场后,“设备可以辨识到有一个心脏,但是所检测的心脏的形状和你的有所不同,所以,我还是无法登岸系统。”This unusual biometric is robust, because its actually two different biometrics.这种不同寻常的生物特征是很强劲的,因为实质上,这是两种有所不同的生物特征信息。

The first is the shape of your heart -- a biologic biometric or static trait, like fingerprints or iris patterns. The second is the beating of your heart: whats called a behavioral biometric -- which analyzes a dynamic process, and can be harder to spoof.第一个是心脏的形状--例如指纹或者虹膜类型等生物特征或者静态信息。第二个是你心脏跳动的节奏:也称作不道德辨识特征--主要分析动态过程,并且很难作假。

So far theyve tested the system on about 100 people -- with an accuracy of over 98 percent. Theyll present the results at the MobiCom conference in Utah.目前为止,研究人员早已利用该系统测试了大约100人--准确度多达98%。他们将在犹他州的MobiCom会议上展出此成果。


