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  • 时间:2024-09-25
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本文摘要:Amazon is paying close to $1bn for Twitch, a three-year-old site where tens of millions of regular visitors watch other people play video games.亚马逊(Amazon)耗资近10亿美元,并购了一家取名为Twitch的网站。Twitch在3年前正式成立,访问者可以在这个网站上实况观赏其他用户玩游戏视频游戏,常常采访的用户超过数千万人。


Amazon is paying close to $1bn for Twitch, a three-year-old site where tens of millions of regular visitors watch other people play video games.亚马逊(Amazon)耗资近10亿美元,并购了一家取名为Twitch的网站。Twitch在3年前正式成立,访问者可以在这个网站上实况观赏其他用户玩游戏视频游戏,常常采访的用户超过数千万人。

The $970m all-cash deal is Amazon’s biggest acquisition since buying online shoe retailer Zappos for $1.2bn in 2009.这宗9.7亿美元的交易是亚马逊自2009年以12亿美元并购在线鞋类零售商Zappos之后,规模仅次于的一次并购。Its bet on the fast-growing niche of live game streaming comes as Amazon is upping its investment in online original video content to compete with the likes of Netflix and Hulu.游戏实况直播是一个小众市场,但快速增长很快。亚马逊进占这一市场的同时,于是以想增大对在线原创视频内容的投资力度,以便和Netflix和Hulu等网站竞争。


Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s chief executive, said that Twitch and its 55m users had made broadcasting and watching gameplay into a “global phenomenon” that would help Amazon “build new services for the gaming community”.亚马逊首席执行官杰夫贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)回应,Twitch网站及其5500万用户早已把游戏实况转播及观看变为一种“全球现象”,这种现象将协助亚马逊“为游戏社区获取新的服务”。Google, whose YouTube site is also popular with gamers, was among the other companies circling Twitch but it failed to reach a deal, according to a person familiar with the discussions.根据谈判知情人士的众说纷纭,谷歌(Google)原本也在无意并购Twitch网站的公司之佩,不过它没能与Twitch达成协议并购协议。


目前,谷歌旗下的YouTube网站也很不受游戏者青睐。In a post to his site, Twitch chief executive Emmett Shear said that Amazon “believe in our community, they share our values and long-term vision” but would not be making radical changes.Twitch首席执行官埃米特希尔(Emmett Shear)在一份声明中称之为,亚马逊“信任我们的社区,他们与我们有联合的价值观和长年愿景”,不过亚马逊会对Twitch做到大的改动。“We’re keeping most everything the same: our office, our employees, our brand, and most importantly our independence,” he said, in an attempt to reassure users who might be nervous about the change in control.为安抚那些对控制权的更改深感忧虑的用户,他回应:“我们差不多一切都和原本一样:办公室、品牌、以及最重要的独立性。

”Despite producing and commissioning new online video series and allowing authors to self-publish ebooks for its Kindle e-reader, the acquisition of a company dedicated to creating online content is something of a departure for Amazon, which is locked in a fight with book publisher Hachette over ebook pricing.亚马逊也自己制作或请求人制作新的在线游戏,并容许作者为该公司的Kindle电子阅读器自行出版发行电子书。不过,并购一家致力于创作在线游戏的公司,还是有点背离亚马逊的业务轨道。



