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  • 时间:2024-09-07
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本文摘要:Recently Nike has revealed a pair of sneakers with power laces controlled from a phone.最近耐克展出了一款可以用手机掌控“鞋带开合”的运动鞋。


Recently Nike has revealed a pair of sneakers with power laces controlled from a phone.最近耐克展出了一款可以用手机掌控“鞋带开合”的运动鞋。The new Nike sneakers are specifically designed for basketball and automatically tighten or loosen with a press of the button either on the shoes themselves or via a smartphone.耐克的这款新鞋是专门为篮球运动员设计的,它可以通过按钮鞋子上的按钮或通过一部智能手机来自动调节鞋带的开合。

The range will initially go on sale only in the US for $350 dollars (£272), on February 17th - although they are expected to sell out instantly.这款鞋子最初只在美国出售,发售日期为2月17日,售价为350美元(272英镑),不过它未来将会马上卖完。Nike has said that users can programme different settings that dictate on how the laces are tied, such one setting for playing a basketball game and one for just lounging in.耐克回应,用户可以配备有所不同的原作来要求如何系鞋带,例如原作一个用来打篮球赛的,一个只用来游荡的。

The shoes will require charging, and each pair will come with a recharging mat.这款鞋子必须电池,而且每一只鞋子里都有一个可以电池的鞋垫。We picked basketball as the first sport for Nike Adapt intentionally because of the demands that athletes put on their shoes, says Eric Avar, Nike VP Creative Director of Innovation.“我们无意自由选择篮球作为耐克可调节运动鞋的第一种限于运动就是因为运动员对鞋子的市场需求,”耐克创意副总裁埃里克·阿瓦尔说。


When a player steps into the Nike Adapt BB, a custom motor and gear train senses the tension needed by the foot and adjusts accordingly to keep the foot snug .当一名运动员穿着上耐克可调节运动鞋,一个自定义马达和传动装置不会感应器到脚部所需的张力,然后为了使脚部舒适度而适当地调整鞋带开合。Earlier this week Nike teased the self-lacing trainers, which the company has suggested will be controllable from a smartphone.本周早些时候,耐克发布了这款可自动调节鞋带的运动鞋,该公司回应,人们可以用智能手机掌控这款鞋子。The US firm also posted a video to show a number of high-profile basketball players trying on the shoes.该美国公司还展出了许多顶级篮球运动员试穿这款鞋子的一段视频。


The video is accompanied by the message: The game will never be the same.视频上还有这样一句话:“没一场比赛是完全相同的。


