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本文摘要:The past year has brought significant disruption to China’s financial landscape, with internet heavyweights Alibaba and Tencent leading the charge into mobile payments, deposit-like savings products, and even fully fledged banking.过去一年中,中国


The past year has brought significant disruption to China’s financial landscape, with internet heavyweights Alibaba and Tencent leading the charge into mobile payments, deposit-like savings products, and even fully fledged banking.过去一年中,中国金融行业版图再次发生了巨大变化。互联网巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)坚决转入了移动支付、类似于吸收存款的储蓄产品,乃至成熟期的银行业务领域。Chinese policy makers have said that internet companies can play a positive role in enhancing customer service, spurring innovation and increasing competition in financial services.中国的政策制定者曾认为,互联网公司需要在金融服务领域充分发挥提高客户服务水平、鼓舞创意以及增进竞争等大力起到。

Competition began in mid-2013 with the launch of Yu’E Bao, an online money-market fund. Run by Alibaba, the financial services affiliate of ecommerce group, the fund offers cash on demand but also provides higher interest rates than those available on bank deposits.新的竞争始自2013年年中在线货币市场基金——余额宝的问世。该基金由电子商务集团阿里巴巴旗下的金融服务子公司运营,向客户获取所需的现金,同时利率也比银行存款低。Assets under management at Yu’E Bao reached Rmb599bn ($96bn) by the end of 2014, making it China’s largest money-market fund.截至2014年底,余额宝管理的资产超过了5990亿元人民币(合960亿美元),沦为中国仅次于的货币市场基金。


Tencent Holdings, the gaming and social networking group, and Baidu Inc, the search provider, have also launched similar products.中国游戏和社交媒体集团腾讯控股(Tencent Holdings)以及搜寻服务提供商百度(Baidu Inc)也发售了类似于的产品。In addition to higher yields, the money-market products have lured depositors away from traditional banks by integrating them with these companies’ mobile-payment services.除了较高的收益率之外,货币市场产品还通过与各自运营商的移动支付服务融合在一起,将储户从传统银行更有过来。Customers can use their Yu’E Bao credit to make purchases on Alibaba’s Taobao and Tmall ecommerce platforms, as well as for paying credit card and utility bills. Alipay, Alibaba’s mobile-payment service, is also increasingly accepted at food shops.用户可以用于自己的余额宝存款在阿里巴巴的电子商务平台淘宝(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)购物,也可以用来展开信用卡偿还,交纳公用服务费。阿里巴巴的移动支付服务——支付宝(Alipay)也被更加多的食品店拒绝接受。

Last year, taxi-hailing apps became the locus of a fierce battle for mobile-payments market share. Alibaba-backed Kuaidi Dache has vied with Tencent-backed Didi Dache for pole position. Meanwhile, Baidu haspurchased a stake in US car-hailing company Uber.去年,微信应用于沦为各方争夺战移动支付市场份额的核心战场。阿里巴巴投资的慢的微信(Kuaidi Dache)与腾讯投资的滴滴微信(Didi Dache)争夺战领先地位。与此同时,百度大股东了美国微信软件公司优步(Uber)。

Both Alibaba and Tencent spent tens of millions of dollars on hefty rebates to riders and drivers for paying taxi fares with Alipay and Tenpay, respectively, instead of cash.阿里巴巴和腾讯分别向不必现金、而用于支付宝和财付通(Tenpay)承销出租车费的乘客和司机归还了数千万美元。Meanwhile, Tencent, which until recently had a minimal presence in ecommerce, has enhanced its popular WeChat instant messaging app to allow brands to sell products directly through their WeChat accounts, with payments processed by Tenpay.与此同时,直到最近都在电子商务领域占到大于份额的腾讯,早已升级了其甚广热门的即时通讯应用于微信(WeChat),容许商家通过自己的微信账号必要销售产品,并通过财付通已完成缴纳。

The final frontier is banking. China’s banking regulators last year approved 10 privately owned companies, including Alibaba and Tencent, to establish regional banks.最后的待垦殖之地是银行业务领域。去年,中国银行业监管机构批准后10家民营企业(还包括阿里巴巴和腾讯)成立地区性银行。A joint venture led by Tencent this month became thefirst bank to start operations under the pilot. Premier Li Keqiang attended the opening ceremony for WeBank, named after WeChat.1月份,多方出资、腾讯联合正式成立的深圳前海微众银行(WeBank,随微信之名)沦为首家在上述试点计划下开业的银行。


中国总理李克强参加了该行启动仪式。Alibaba will partner with Fosun International, one of China’s largest private conglomerates, to form Zhejiang Internet Commerce Bank this year. Other companies including an airline, a pharmaceuticals producer and an auto-parts manufacturer are also participating in the pilot project.今年,阿里巴巴将与中国仅次于的民营企业集团之一复星国际(Fosun International)合作筹设浙江网商银行(Zhejiang Internet Commerce Bank)。其他多家公司也参予了试点计划,其中还包括一家航空公司、一家药企以及一家汽车零部件制造商。

Policy makers want these companies to focus on lending to small, privately owned businesses and consumers, who have struggled to obtain loans from state-owned banks. There is also the potential for internet companies to draw on troves of user data to evaluate small borrowers’ credit risk.政策制定者期望,这些公司能专心贷款给那些无以从国有银行取得贷款的小微民营企业和消费者。互联网公司还可以利用海量用户数据评估小额贷款人的信用风险。Even before the latest pilot, some lending had already occurred. In September 2013, Alibaba’s microfinance arm sold 10 tranches of securitised loans to investors. The deal did not require a banking licence because microfinance companies, which do not collect deposits, are licensed separately.在这一近期试点计划启动之前,一些贷款业务早已积极开展。



