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  • 时间:2024-01-21
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本文摘要:Uber is set to launch operations in another seven Indian cities.Uber将在印度另外7个城市开展业务。



Uber is set to launch operations in another seven Indian cities.Uber将在印度另外7个城市开展业务。The move marks the biggest simultaneous expansion outside the US in the ride-sharing group’s history and underlining its attempts to keep pace with cut-price local rival Ola.此举标志着这家上下班共享公司自正式成立以来在美国以外规模仅次于的实时扩展,也突显出Uber企图跟上印度本地低价微信应用于Ola的步伐。

The new push comes amid a period of rapid investment for the San Francisco based company, and confirms India as its largest market by number of cities served outside the US — bringing the total to 18.这家总部坐落于旧金山的公司正处于一个较慢投资期,这一新举措印证了一点:根据通车服务的城市的数量计算出来,印度是Uber在美国以外的仅次于市场。Uber在印度通车服务的城市将超过18个。Uber is midway through a $1.5bn equity funding round at a valuation of about $50bn, which it plans to use to pour resources into India and China.Uber于是以进行一轮15亿美元的股权融资,使其估值超过500亿美元左右,该公司计划利用这笔融资向印度和中国投放巨额资金。


The Indian expansion follows an email to investors from Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick last month, which showed that it planned to spend $1bn to set up operations in dozens of locations in China this year.在Uber在印度扩展业务之前,该公司首席执行官兹拉维斯兰格尼(Travis Kalanick)上月曾致函投资者,回应Uber计划今年拿走10亿美元在中国多个城市开展业务。Uber’s push in India marks the start of a similar growth spurt, as it moves beyond larger urban centres and begins to tap more so-called tier-two cities during the second half of this year.Uber在印度的措施标志着类似于的井喷式发展的开始,该公司计划在今年下半年将目光改向规模较小的城市以外,开始扩展更加多所谓的二线城市。


